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Jessica shares her self-written poem about the melancholy of this Lenten season without the true presence of the Lord found in the Mass

Tamil Translation of 7 Last Words — “Truly, I say to you …” (Luke 23:43)

கிறிஸ் சிலுவையில் கிறிஸ்துவின் பக்கத்தில் இருந்த ‘நல்ல திருடனி’ன் மாற்றத்தின் முரண்பாடுபற்றி மீள்நோக்கம் செய்தல். தீயொழுக்கம்...


Chris反思耶稣在十字架上的爱与牺牲,思考我们如何能以耶稣为榜样。 耶稣对亲人说出这话时,想必是何等不舍,何等痛心。自知将要(暂时)离别母亲,离别门徒,耶稣肯定伤心欲绝,悲痛万分。离别:我们何尝没有经历过?试问,有谁不曾体验过离别之苦、哀悼之痛?离别意味着隔绝——离别即是...

7 Last Words -- "I Thirst." (John 19:28)

“I thirst.” The New Testament tells us he said this in order that he may fulfil the Scriptures. Bible scholars say that it is at the...

Poem: At the Margins

Chris shares with us an original poem. Here’s a little poem that came to me in prayer the other day in the Adoration Room. I hope it...

7 Last Words -- Know Not.

One of my guilty pleasures is reading the rules of various Tabletop Role-Playing Games, such as Dungeons & Dragons. Just reading the...

"Ash-Wednesday" and Lenten Resolutions

So, what are you giving up this Lent? I once saw a YouTube video (now taken down), where the speaker suggested that rather than giving up...

The Discomforts of Waiting for Confession

Chris shares a reflection he had whilst queuing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In a few weeks’ time, parishes around Singapore will...

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