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CCC Announcements - May 2019

Dear Readers of CCC,

Greetings in the Name of the Risen Lord!

It’s possibly the first time we’re addressing you directly on the blog, and we apologize for being remiss in that regard.

For this month, the theme for our articles is Marian May! May has traditionally been a month of Marian Devotions, dating back as early as the 14th century. In more recent times, the practice seems to have been codified in the Jesuit colleges as a reminder of chastity at the end of the 18th century. From there, it spread to the rest of the Church.

We also write in the hope that this season of Eastertide has found you well. It’s been quite a whirlwind journey as we have been deeply involved in planning for the future of Christ Centered Conversations. During the past 1.5 years, we have been working hard at refining our craft, exploring new ways in which to engage our fellow Catholics in Singapore and beyond in the wider conversation regarding our shared Faith.

With that in mind, we are proud to announce that this endeavor of ours has drawn others to join us as contributors. Thus, we’d like to take some time to introduce our new contributors and acknowledge the fantastic work they’ve been doing so far!

First of all, we’d like to formally welcome aboard our newest writer, Jessica! Those who follow us on Telegram may know that she hit the ground running with her article, “The Catechism according to Tolkien” a few months back. Be sure to look forward to more sharp, insightful article from her to come!

Secondly, you may have noticed that our posts on our various social media channels have seen a sharp increase in aesthetic quality. For this, we have to thank Nicole, who has been taking point on the weekly Sunday Instagram reflection. If you haven’t already followed us on Instagram and Telegram to receive these weekly reminders of God’s presence, now would be a good time!

Last but not least, you may have noticed articles in different languages popping up on our blog from time to time. These are translations of the articles we have previously posted in English, and are the work of various contributors. Our thanks to our Chinese correspondent, Clarence, as well as our Tamil contributors who have chosen to remain anonymous. If you haven't checked out our interview with Clarence on our YouTube channel, go here. We hope that in multi-racial Singapore, these translated articles will help to reach a wider audience!

These are some of the exciting developments God has blessed us with, and we pray that He blesses us with more to come! Until next time, prayers for prayers, and have a blessed Marian May!

Garrett Ng


Christ Centered Conversations

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